Photos of Vamsi Kanuri


Vamsi Kanuri

Graduate from the Suresh Cricket Academy. Vamsi is entertaining to watch when batting - loves a swing and when it connects the ball flies...

Statistics for against

First Match: 10/09/2017 vs Binfield
Last Match: 09/07/2023 vs Hurst
Total Matches: 23
Best Performances
Batting Statistics

52 vs Mortimer West End, 01/07/2018
27 vs Ripley, 02/08/2020
13 vs Badshot Lea, 26/08/2019
13 vs Grayswood, 24/06/2018
12 vs Shepperton, 12/09/2021
Bowling Statistics

2/31 vs Cross Bats (Twickenham), 08/05/2022
1/7 vs Whiteley, 11/09/2022
1/16 vs Normandy, 09/05/2021
1/22 vs Badshot Lea, 22/05/2022
1/25 vs Ripley, 25/06/2023
Batting Statistics
Innings: 22
Not Outs*: 1
Runs: 160
50s: 1
100s: 0
Strike Rate**: 56.32
Average: 7.62
Bowling Statistics
Overs: 21.2
Wickets: 6
Runs Conceded: 140
Economy: 6.56
Strike Rate: 21.33
5-Wicket Hauls: 0
Average: 23.33
* Including any retirements
** Where data is available